Success Stories


When Rohan was left in the cradle at the gates of PALNA in mid-2018, he was a new-born, unknown, abandoned infant. As the baby’s weight in the cradle set off the siren in the PALNA premises, indicating that a child had arrived at PALNA, a nurse came and immediately took Rohan to our in-house Medical Crisis Unit. Like many other infants and children, Rohan arrived at PALNA in a precarious state of health. A preliminary examination by the PALNA medical staff revealed that the baby was underweight and had bilateral pneumonia. His treatment was started immediately and he made a complete recovery.

At around six weeks of age, his echocardiography was suggestive of a tiny hole in the heart. Overall the child has been doing well clinically, but does require regular monitoring as his liver functions are found to derange and on further investigation at LNJP Hospital, Delhi, it was found that his liver enzymes are on the higher side. But Rohan has done well under the constant and loving care and monitoring of the PALNA medical staff and caregivers.

Rohan is now almost two years old and has grown into a happy, cheerful child, developing almost at par for his age, despite his health issues. He is sociable and enjoys playing with his friends here. He is also very fond of his caregivers. From the time he was received at PALNA, he has shown wonderful improvement and doing well overall, showing almost normal age appropriate growth and milestone achievements. 

In a wonderful development, a family has come forward to adopt Rohan and make him their own. They are fully aware of his medical condition, as all the details have been shared with them. The entire legal adoption process has been completed, and Rohan was to join his forever family in March. However, due to the pandemic and the subsequent travel restrictions, Rohan’s parents have not been able to come and take him with them. The parents pleaded their case but they were not permitted to travel to India to pick up their son.  So Rohan continues to be in PALNA for the time being, but we hope that he will soon be able to join his family.